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Misr Al-Khair organizes a graduation ceremony for civil society organizations from the “Institutional Performance Development Laboratory” in the Sharkia and Cairo governorates

News Details

Sep 2, 2023

Saturday 2-9-2023

The Arab Center for Sustaining Civil Action, affiliated with the Misr El Kheir Foundation, organized a graduation ceremony For 22 associations from the Center’s Laboratory for Developing Institutional Performance for Non-Governmental Organizations, which are partner associations of the Misr Al-Kheir Foundation in the Cairo and Sharqia governorates.
The period of work with these associations within the laboratory took a period ranging between 6 Months to a year according to the plans that have been approved for the development process for each association separately.
During the graduation ceremony, the partner associations reviewed success stories as a result of institutional development. Which was implemented with them, in addition to opening a discussion about the future of the partnership between the associations and the Misr El Kheir Foundation. It is worth noting that the partner NGOs joining the Institutional Performance Development Laboratory were subjected to development according to a methodology and scientific stages of development, which begin with a pre-institutional evaluation of the association to identify institutional gaps, then design a development plan. Institutional participation, then implementing the plan, which may take a year, then conducting a post-evaluation after that to measure the effectiveness of the interventions. In the event that the association passes an agreed-upon growth rate, the association will graduate from the laboratory and a certificate of graduation will be issued to it. The number of associations currently joining the laboratory is (294) nationwide, of which (207) have graduated.